Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Faith is not simply a patience that passively suffers until the storm is past. Rather, it is a spirit that bears things - with resignations, yes, but above all, with blazing, serene hope.

For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is always work, patience, love, self-sacrifice - no paper currency, no promises to pay, but the gold of real service.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The grind

How come I can't get pass. There is a nagging hole that somehow keeps rearing it's ugly head. I've try to keep busy but I keep having vivid dreams that wakes me. As much I can tell myself I need to let go and move on my subconscious will not let me. And now fate is no longer in my hands.

I shouldnt be feeling this way. My carrer is going sky high, I'm in the process to buy a place and I have friends who cares for me.

I know that I have been way too nice a guy but I cant seem to be switch that part off.  Am I over romantacizing thing? Have I develope a martyr complex? Or do I turly still feel the same desire? ''

I wish I had an anwer

Thursday, July 21, 2011


How many of us are capable of forgiveness? To look those we perceive has done us wrong and truly let go of resentment without righteous indignation. Does the process include bringing those who has hurt you into your arms and embraced them as you would a friend? as a lover?

It is always easy to cut ties when relation strain and tempers flare. The scar on our mind and hearts serves as a constant reminder of pain and hurt. As time passes, scars collected jade our mind and dilute our ability to open and share. We shield ourself in hope we never experience that pain again and slowly we become incapable to try, to do and to love. But I must forgive for I will always try, constantly do and be open to love. 

Forgive many things in others; nothing in yourself

Monday, July 18, 2011

Got nothing

Planning a trip to Japan has got me excited about traveling again. Time to head over to the land of the rising sun. Assuming radiation levels are self I will indulge in MOUNTAINS of sushi, yakatori, sake and BEER.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The highs and the lows

So a lot of my friends have been forming a line to smack the bejesus out of me and you know what I cant blame em. I've turn into mush, puddle, goo, the creamy center of a jelly doughnut. And as much as tough love hurts, it hurts less than my self imposed stupidity. Everyone is right, WHAT IN JEBUS NAME WAS I THINKING? I AM AWESOMER THAN THIS. Is that a word? Awesomer? you know what I am AWESOME cause I just invented AWESOMER.

My friends are right. I do more and think of others before I think of myself and they would NEVER take advantage of that. Some transgression cant be undone no matter how much we want it to. We cant wish to undo something, it takes real action. And although sadness will creep into my conscientiousness like waves crashing on a beach. I will build a levee through trial and tribulations until truer intentions sails into the harbor cause I am AWESOMER.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

First Entry

Captain's Log Stardate 0918387.17

Sorry The nerd in me got in the way.

I guess the most obvious question is why now. After years of avoiding the blogger-space why the need now to suddenly joining the rankin file of the online writer and feel the need to create internet prose. Part of this need was inspired by my friend Steve who's words while at time can be harsh and has tendency of over-romanticize, ring true to the peaks and valleys of our day to day.

I think fundamentally it is because of change. Change the swept through in the past year and half carrying me through the river of life. I went from being an unemployed MBA grad in NYC who's career came to an abrupt halt to making VP in a strange yet delightful town known as SF (YES YOU SF PEOPLE, THIS IS A TOWN). I've left my family and friends to and yet some how found new friends and family. And off course part of this is because of heartbreak. Lets face it 90 of writing in human history is related to this subject.

But this isnt about that. I felt that I never really had a proper chance to reflect since coming to SF. A) cause I work 12 fucking hours a day and b) I've felt at home for the first time in a while.

SO let's be clear about few things.
This isnt about ohh poor me blah blah blah. I fucking should have no complaints. Jobs good, healthy and friends around the globe.
This is and should be a chronicle of highs and lows and to put pen to paper daily life. And while being down in the valley be the catalyst of my writing. It will inevitable leads to more writing as i search for the next peak.

P.S. Sorry for the cursing, swearing and Star Wars, Star Trek and Nerd references.

P.P.S. This is all your fault Steve Chang